(203) 876-7875 . (203) 366-0205 . (888) 261-4885

What is a Navien Service Specialist?

Navien Service Specialists Badge

When looking to have your Navien tankless water heater or combi boiler serviced you should be contacting Onze Southern Connecticut Plumbing & Heating a Navien Service Specialist (NSS) company.

As an owner of a Navien product you may not know of the Navien Service Specialist program, or that Onze Southern Connecticut Plumbing and Heating holds this accreditation.

The Navien Service Specialist program launched in 2012 now has specialists all over the country, but don’t assume every company supplying water heater and boiler services has this accreditation. It’s not gained simply through subscribing to a register or committing to promote the products.

NSS companies like Onze Southern Connecticut Plumbing & Heating are trained and approved by Navien and only after having undergone this training are they able to offer themselves as Navien Service Specialists.


How did we become Navien Service Specialists?

First we sent an application to Navien, providing evidence that we are properly licensed, insured and meeting all our state and local business regulations.

Second our service technicians had to complete an intensive, hands-on program at the Navien training center in New Jersey. This training must be retaken every three year for a company to maintain their listing as a service specialist.

Third Onze Southern Connecticut had to agree to maintain and have on hand a full and complete Navien parts kit. We went beyond that minimum requirement and currently stock four full parts kits for current and discontinued models. We receive a multitude of calls each month from potential customers who quickly select us as their service provider when we let them know we have most every repair part on hand.


Is their value in hiring Onze Southern Connecticut Plumbing & Heating?

  1. Factory-trained
  2. Fully licensed and insured
  3. We have direct access to Navien tech services thru the NSS private phone line.
  4. We are provided with faster warranty processing for parts and replacement units.
  5. We have a wide range of experience and expertise on your specific Navien model.
  6. We are able to promote and use the Navien Badge labelling our company.

Call For Service

(203) 876-7875
(203) 366-0205
(888) 261-4885

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